Formula 1 Joins Hands with Aramco

In a bid to probably host Saudi Arabia Grand Prix in the years to come, Formula 1 joins hands with Aramco.
Aramco – Formula 1’s New Official Partner
The long-term deal between F1 and Saudi oil company Aramco is an opportunity for both parties to explore ways to bring sustainable fuels to the forefront. Under the current rate, the development of sustainable fuels may combine with research in enhanced engine efficiencies.
Despite this partnership being productive for Formula 1, in many ways it directly contradicts F1’s promise to make its events more environment-friendly. If they genuinely believe in going carbon neutral by 2030, they might need to explain this deal a bit further. Most of the oil companies contribute a whole lot of carbon emissions to the atmosphere. That is a big deal considering we are very close to making the air on our planet unbreathable.
Saudi Arabia Grand Prix
Saudi Arabia could host an F1 event as soon as 2023. Although, that is only possible if the new race track outside Riyadh is built in time. Former F1 driver Alex Wurz has designed this new track. Aramco will be the official sponsor of Formula 1. In addition to the possibility of a Grand Prix taking place in Saudi Arabia, the new deal also opens doors to talking about many political issues. Some of these political issues need more attention.
We are already running out of time to save the world. Therefore, for the sake of F1 and the overall health of human beings, the organizers should give it additional thought before going all in. Sustainable development is not easy and it does not get easier unless we assess our lifestyles every day.
It is very hard to see any positive signs being made in the direction of carbon neutrality. Formula 1 has talked the talk. But can they walk the walk? We will have to wait for further developments to calculate how good or bad the situation is.


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