McLaren F1 Team Take The Flight Home

COVID 19 Quarantine Ends, McLaren F1 Team Take The Flight Home

The rest of the team members of the McLaren F1 Team take the flight home following the end of their coronavirus quarantine in Australia.
With only a few hours left for the first practice session of the Australian GP to begin, a member of the McLaren F1 team tested positive. After the confirmation of the test results, the race in Melbourne got canceled.
The team member who showed symptoms of the coronavirus recovered alright. However, since one of the members was tested positive, other members were also kept in isolation for two weeks. Thankfully, they were safe as well.
McLaren F1 were happy to announce the return of their entire staff from Australia to home. The news is encouraging in times like these when we are left with few reasons to smile for. Overall, it is a great source of joy for the team who had to pull out of the race. It was good that the event canceled. In hindsight, had McLaren not made the results known to everybody, who knows how bad the situation would have been. So, they made the right call to be brave to share the bad news. And ultimately, they are probably the first ones to give us hope that just might lead us all out of these troubled days.
Employees are currently in the UK but none of the McLaren team members will be going back to work at the headquarters as of yet. A shutdown period is still active. So, let’s not be too impatient.


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